Happy News

Hello friends.

I can’t believe I get to make this post.



What’s funny is that results were actually released yesterday, but our state board was closed in observance of George H.W. Bush’s passing. Apparently results have never been released on a Wednesday before, so it figured that we would have to wait.  I was able to find some humor in that and just wait one more day.  Fortunately I had been through the wait before, so I was able to get through it okay.  However, I was getting antsy this morning, and kept checking my phone.

As I was about to leave to work, I was telling Husband that I wished results had come out while I was home, so he could be there with me when I got them.  Two seconds after I said that, the results email came in.

I sat down on the couch, shaking, and logged in.  Husband and Apollo sat beside me.  Then I saw the happy green box, not the red box of failure.  I couldn’t believe it. I just immediately started crying.

I am so happy it’s finally over with. I’m finally a PE!

I wouldn’t be here without the encouragement of my coworkers, Engineer Boards, my friends, but most importantly – MY FAMILY.  My parents and brother have always pushed me to excel, to be a better person, and to prize education above anything else. I wouldn’t be where I am without them! And my amazing husband always supported and believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.

And finally, thank you all for your words of encouragement when I thought I failed. I can now finally shut up about this test.


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