Ta Da!

We’ve got a finished cardi!  With sleeves!

finished cardi

The pattern was actually really easy to follow, and there is a great tutorial video to walk  you through the steps (even though my brain took awhile to decipher the difference between front and back post crochet).

Now I just need to wash and block it.  The sleeves were pretty easy, but when I tried the cardi on, it felt like someone had applied blood pressure cuffs to my shoulders and upper arms.  OOPS. I guess I messed up the sleeves.  I hope blocking can fix it.

It just feels good to finish something, and to cross something off my crafty to-do list.  Next up for this week are gauge swatches for two future projects. I think that is manageable with my schedule.  Just have to lean into the craziness.  Have a good Thursday!

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