
Apparently “Wedding Planning Wednesday” is a Thing

I learned recently from the internet that “Wedding Planning Wednesday” is a thing.  I have to say I haven’t done very much of it lately.  After being in the field for two weeks, I was hit with the “OH GOD MY TEST IS IN APRIL” freakout and have been studying for that (or, the nightly reminder that I’ve forgotten everything I learned in college YAYYYY!)

But we’ve picked a venue and set a date, so that’s a good step to cross off the list, I think.  Venue selection was interesting at first but it grew tiring by the end.  We had some pretty entertaining encounters during our search.  The first place we looked at told us they’d “rather not serve people with severe food allergies,” so I guess I need to tell my mom she’s not eating at my wedding? I hastily scratched that place off my list.  One venue was someone’s literal backyard.  Which…wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing if it were a large property and the person’s home was out of sight, but no.  Her house was right there, and we could hear her grandkids playing while we met with her, and it was weird. She was also very talkative and was starting to make judgment calls on some of our choices, so we “noped” out of there very quickly.

The venue we ended up selecting is very us – cozy, relaxed but elegant.  They also have a built-in rain plan, which was a big reason why we selected this venue. We’d fallen in love with another venue, but they didn’t have a rain plan.  We would have had to rent a tent, and the tent plans are just insane.  You have to put down 50% as your deposit, and you had the option to wait 5 days until the wedding and get your entire deposit back if you decide you don’t want the tent.  OR you wait until 2 days out to decide you don’t want your tent, but then that means you forfeit your deposit.  Knowing how much I check on the weather when I’m in the field, there’s no way I’d be comfortable with the 5 day plan. And there’s no way I would have been cool with throwing hundreds of dollars away with the 2 day plan.  I’ve very glad we selected the venue with the rain plan.

Oh yeah, and we got this cute guest book:

Guest book.png

We bought it at Book People.  It’s not a traditional guest book, but it’s adorable and I love birds.  Hence, now it’s our guest book.

I was reading some bridal magazines yesterday and I’m sorry, I really like The Knot but sometimes they’re insane.  They had article about ~spicing up your reception~ by hiring aerial water dancers or an artist who can paint impressionistic pieces of the wedding reception.  GREAT IDEAS, GUYS.  While we’re at it, why don’t I get a fountain that spouts liquid chocolate?  Or custom-made robots for everyone as a party favor? Why don’t I do that, The Knot?  OR I can just purchase disposable cameras, put them at every guest’s table, and call it day.*

In other news, side one of the Calvin top is almost ready!

Calvin part 1.png

I’m at the part where I have to make rows of double crochet mesh stitches.  It’s crazy but if I keep at it, I can conceivably finish this by this weekend. WHAT.  I’m getting pretty concerned that the tension is all wrong and that it will be like donning a burlap sack when it’s finished, but we’ll see how it goes!

Okay I need to work and stuff, talk to you all Friday!

*Do disposable cameras still exist?
** I’m just kidding. Sort of.


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